Thursday, September 22, 2011

Grandfather William and Grandsons Cam, Eli and Troy

Relationship Reflection

Relationhips are important. They are part of our human design. At some point in our humanly existance we will need someone other than ourselves and be needed by some one else. Even on a higher plain, we all have the built- in need to belong to someone or something. The basic factor of any relationship is a reciprical action where one force( person )causes another to respond.That means positive and negative, large and small reactions between people. Somewhere within the vast definition of relationships we have to be conscious and intentional to develop ones that produce positive effects in our lives and the lives of those we care about.

I am thankful for several relationships in my life. I have been married to William for thirty four years. We have three children, all adults now with families of their own. We all live in the same part of Dallas and remain close. This is a picture of all of us. We all live in the same area, but in different houses. Privacy and decisions made in each household are respected. One way we manage to remain close is by allowing each other to be who they are and lead their lives as they feel they were called to do. Since we are the parents/grandparents we host Sunday dinners as times for us to get together and enjoy each other. It allows the young adults time together and grandchildren get to know each other as family. Since our children have become adults some values and beliefs have changed. We manage to remain peaceful especially with grandchildren by respecting their parents teachings .One challenge in regards to developing relationships with extended family members like daughter-in-laws, son-in-laws and parents of our children’s mates, is to respect some different beliefs on how grandchildren were raised. Holiday observance and traditions can be a touchy time. We have learned to respect decisions made for our grandchildren by their parents whether we agree or disagree. This experience in my personal life has made me more aware of differences within the households of the child I work with and all need to be respected.

Grandfather William and grandsons