Sunday, May 29, 2011


My favorite quote from people speaking on behalf of young children changes as I learn more about the field of Early Childhood. Right now I am inspired by the quote from Marian Wright-Edelman. It rings so much truth. As EC professionals we all should pay close attention to how our nation spends money and try to get more of it for the children who need it.


  1. Hello Janice,

    I just wanted to tell you that you have truly inspired me as a Childcare Provider. I feel like you are a nurturing and motherly educator. I know that your children must simply adore you. You remind me of a 5th grade teacher named Mrs. Denton. She was the sweetest woman I have ever known.

    I wish you the best at all of your endeavors. May God bless you, your family, and your little ones!!

    Margaret Jordan

  2. Thank You Margaret,
    I will certainly try to live up to those praises.
