Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nutrition and Learning

Malnutrition is a topic that is meaningful to me from a professional perspective. Writing curriculum for young children from a humanistic perspective would include interest and concern for nutritional health. If a child is healthy early childhood is a good time to teach them about good eating habits that will have life-long  benefits.  On the other hand, if a child is suffering from malnutrition their learning will be effected.
Hunger and malnutrition has increased in Africa. No known method to solve the problem has worked so far. The most common deficiency in children under five is protein deficiency.  The particular deficiency is being treated by using food that have been donated to hospitals and daycares to feed the children
This new information has made me realize that malnutrition is not a future problem for me to address. Even before I start writing curriculum professionally I can already be working with agencies that are already established to meet these children’s needs.