Saturday, February 11, 2012

Special Needs

In my opinion all early childhood and educational professionals should make a conscious commitment to look at all children holistically. It is good that tools exist to measure abilities of children, but this can be a problem when diagnosis and labels becomes the element by which a child is defined. By all means every resource available should be used to diagnose a problem. All areas should be look at like, physical, emotional, mentally and intellectually. This information should only be used for reasons of obtaining the best service/care possible to help the child reach his/hers highest potential. By receiving help early chances are greatly improved for a disability not to become a life handicap.
In the United States we have the best of services for children that have been diagnosed with special needs. Special need services are becoming more readily available in developing countries as well. For example, in the Bahamas special education services are much like those in the US. They are not as advanced in diagnoses, treatment or training for personnel, but they are providing services and practicing inclusion.  This is not the case in countries like Africa. Very little is being done by ways of special services for disabled children. Regular education is still a struggle for many in there.