Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Supports

Within my daily activity there are many people and things that are of suppot to me.

Family: My family is a major support.
My husband has been a constant support emotionally, relationship, stability and financially. My children are adults with their own lives, but I know that if I need any help I can call on them for support. My sisters and brother are also available for support in any area if I need it.

Professionally: My co-workers are supports at work. We work as a team in our classroom. Besides the people I work directly woth in the classroom I recieve support from the proncipal, office staff and human resourse staff.

Spiritually: My church family are a network of spiritual support that I depend on prehaps more than the other forementioned.
None living supports:
I think I depend more on my car than any other. My computer would be a close second.

One scenerio that sometimes crosses my mind is if I outlive everyone or for some reason end up alone. I see this with a man that has outlived his wife , children, siblings and friends. He often describes the world  unfamiliar and frieghtening. He gets very sad and cries. His only comfort is telling his stories of a live long gone to any one that will take time to listen. I think about this scnerio happening to me . I cannot imagine being without a child, sibling, or companion. The loss of support as I have come to know and live by would really decrease the quality of life for me. My hope is that I have planted seeds of support to others that will be my garden of support when I am old.