Saturday, January 14, 2012


Immunization is a public health service that has been under attack in our country for some time. It was once thought to be a contributing factor to increased cases of Autism, however this connection has not been proven. Fortunately for the well being of the whole population laws are in place to ensure all children are properly immunized in the U.S. Although some risks are involved when young children are immunized, the risk are far less than the benefits of a healthy childhood. Being U.S. citizens allows certain freedoms like making personal health choices, but I don't think this should be one of them.

This topic is of interest to me because of my recent imvolvement in local ministry for Haitian orphans. Children in Haiti are facing diseases that are controlled by routine immunization in this country. A simple trip to your doctor's office or a free clinic where the medication is readily available. Polio, measles, rubella, diptheria, and pertussis are to name a few diseases that threaten the lives of Haitian children. I was touched to learn that such small financial contributions can go a long way in getting the needed medications. Fifty-three American dollars can immunize over one hundred children. Organizations that are trying to help are also faced with other conditions like lack of refrigeration for medicines, political red tape that hold up the medicine from getting to the children and funds to purchase it.
Haiti is just one country that is faced with this problem. I encourage all professionals that are concerned about the well-being of all children to contact some organization, working to provide needed immunization to some children somewhere in this world. A little goes a long way.